Short course - "Water Security for Policy Makers and Practitioners"
Education and Training
6-17 June 2022
£399, fully online, part time, 3h per day
resources available in advance of daily live
We are happy to contribute to this short course held over 2 weeks organized by the University of East Anglia's (UEA) School of International Development. Eleven globally recognised experts will share their cross-disciplinary knowledge of water issues with you, live and online to build on your understanding of water security.
Presentations will feature expert contributors including:
- Professor Léo Heller. Léo is a professor and researcher at Fiocruz, Brazil, and is former UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation.
- Dr Jamie Bartram is a professor at the universities of Leeds and of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA and led water activities at WHO for 10 years.
- Dr Paul Hunter, Professor of Medicine, is one of the UK’s leading epidemiologists.
- Prof Mark Zeitoun, Professor of Water Security and Policy, and Director of the Geneva Water Hub.
- Prof Bruce Lankford, Professorial Fellow in the School of International Development, UEA.
- Prof Chad Staddon is Professor of Resource Economics and Policy at UWE, Bristol and founder-director of the International Water Security Network.
- Dr Thanti Octavianti is a social scientist with an engineering background.
- Dr Teresa Armijos Burneo is Lecturer in Natural Resources and International Development in the School of International Development.
- Prof Roger Few is Senior Research Fellow in the School of International Development.
- Dr Raymond Yu Wang, Associate Professor at SUSTech, China.
- Dr Jessica Budds, Associate Professor in Geography and International Development.
More information about the course HERE. Registration HERE.