8th World Water Forum High-Level Session - Blue Peace: From Recommendations to Action
Building Peace
14:30 - 16:00, World Water Forum
Room 34, Ulysses Guimarães Convention Center, Brasília
Photos of the event are available below:

You can listen to a piece of the excerpt of the Symphony for Water and Peace that was played during the event:
Moderator: Catarina de Albuquerque. Executive Chair of Sanitation and Water for All and UN Former Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation
- François Münger, Director of the Geneva Water Hub: Welcome Remarks
- Danilo Türk, Former President of Slovenia and Chair of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace: Presentation of the Report of the Panel
- Mansour Faye, Minister of Water and Hydraulics of Senegal and Vice-Chair of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace (TBC)
Keynote speeches:
- Carlos Bruce Montes de Oca, Minister of Housing, Construction and Sanitation of Peru
- Jorge Andrés Carrillo Cardoso, Vice Minister of Water and Sanitation of Colombia
- Xavier Sticker, Ambassador Delegate to the Environment at the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs of France
- Sifiso Mkhize, Acting Director General, Water and Sanitation Department of the Republic of South Africa (TBC)
Excerpt of the Symphony for Water and Peace
Debate with Members of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace and representatives of international organizations and civil society:
- Zhang Xisheng, President of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
- Joakim Harlin, Chief, Freshwater Ecosystem Unit, UNEP, UN Water Vice-Chair
- Darlene Sanderson, Indigenous Forum on Water and Peace
- Claudia Patricia Mora, Member of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace and Former Vice Minister for Water and Sanitation of Colombia
- Alvaro Umaña Quesada, Vice President of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace and Former Minister of Energy and Environment of Costa Rica
- András Szöllösi-Nagy, Member of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace and Professor of Sustainable Water Management, National University of Public Service, Budapest
- Mansour Faye, Vice-Chair of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace and Minister of Water and Hydraulics of Senegal
- Danilo Türk, Chair of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace and Former President of Slovenia
Q&A with the public
Excerpt of the Symphony for Water and Peace
Conclusive Remarks: Pio Wennubst, State Secretary, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs