Webinar - The UN 2023 Water Conference: Perspectives for Cooperation, Peace and Development
15h00 - 16h30 (CET, Geneva Time)
Zoom link for registration

May, 10th 2023
5:05 pm

- Impact
The webinar presentations are available below.
Anders Jagerskog
Program Manager, CIWA, WB
"World Bank approaches to transboundary water management"Edouard Boinet
International Network of Basin Organisations (INBO)
"Dakar Action Plan for Basins:From the World Water Forum to the UN Conference"Hamit Abderamane
Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC)
"La conférence de l'ONU sur l'eau 2023 : Perspectives sur la coopération, la paix, et le développement dnas le bassin du Lac Tchad"Komlan Sangbana
Secrétariat de la Convention sur l’eau, CEE-ONU
"Les actions de promotion de la coopération sur les ressources en eau transfrontières lors de la conférence des Nations unies sur l'eau"Noura Kayal
Geneva Water Hub
"The UN 2023 Water Conference:Perspectives for Cooperation, Peace and Development"
Organised in the framework of the online course on "International Water Law", this webinar aims to present the progress made at the UN Water Conference, which took place 22-24 March 2023, and concluded with the adoption of the Water Agenda. This contains over 700 voluntary commitments submitted by states, international and non-governmental organisations, academic institutions and the private sector.
The event agenda is available below.