Water for Shared Prosperity: From New York to Bali | Briefing Ahead of the 10th World Water Forum Stakeholder Consultation

Water is a critical resource for all life on Earth, both for humans and nature. We depend on healthy, functioning ecosystems for our water security. They provide us with a plethora of goods, services, and well-being.
In Geneva, water is discussed in various fora (human rights, humanitarian, health, meteorology, disaster prevention, nature conservation, economy, peace, pollution, etc.) and numerous organizations (UN, intergovernmental organizations, NGOs, business organizations, academic) focus on water issues, making this region a strategic hub for global water governance.
Ahead of the 2nd Stakeholder Consultation meeting on the 10th World Water Forum (2024), taking place in Bali, Indonesia on 12 to 13 October 2023, this event will provide updates on the outcomes of the UN Water Conference that took place in March 2023, and stakeholders’ perspectives on the way forward to the Forum. It will also address the water-related outcomes of the UN Climate Change Conference.
The event is organized by the Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the UN in Geneva and the Geneva Environment Network.