Round Table – “Cooperation and Benefit Sharing in the Senegal and Niger River Bassins”


- Impact
This summary report has been prepared by the Geneva Water Hub, as an input paper for the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace.
The report provides a summary of a one day senior experts workshop and a conference both convened by the Geneva Water Hub with the Platform for International Water Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva on 24 September 2015. The analysis, results and recommendations in this paper represent the opinion of the participants and are not necessarily representative of the position of any of the organizations.The final Roundtable Report is available below:
Event pictures below.
In the framework of the Geneva Water Hub’s activities, this high-level working Round table on the "Cooperation and Benefit Sharing in the Senegal and Niger River Basins" aims at identifying good practices and benefits around water management cooperation in order to reflect on possible recommendations.
This initiative will be mobilising the Networking Platforme, Education and Knowledge and Think Tank components of the Geneva Water Hub.
Below is a summary paper on "Transboundary Governance in the Senegal and Niger River Basins - Historical Analysis and Overview of the Status of Common Facilities and Benefit Sharing Arrangements":