Insights on Water and Peace: Fourth Meeting of the Geneva Water Hub Networking Platform
Following its ministerial-level launch in Geneva on November 16, 2015, the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace has achieved two important milestones: the second meeting of the Panel was held in Dakar, Senegal , and the Group of Friends on Water and Peace was announced in mid-April in Geneva.
We would like to take advantage of the visit to Geneva of Mr. Danilo Türk, Chair of the Panel and former President of the Republic of Slovenia, to invite you to a briefing regarding these recent developments, as well as a discussion on water, security and peace. The discussion will be enriched by insights on international water law by Prof. Boisson de Chazournes from the University of Geneva, Swiss nominee on the Panel, and with the example of a Syrian river basin by Prof. Ronald Jaubert from the Geneva Graduate Institute.
We very much look forward to your participation.
Agenda :
1230 Welcome drinks and snacks -- Symphony for Water and Peace
1300 Opening by the Geneva Water Hub
1305 Address by Federico Properzi, Chief Technical Adivser, UN-Water
1315 Presentation of the High-Level Panel on Water and Peace by Mr. Danilo Türk, Chair of the Panel
1330 Water in conflicts and prospects for transforming water into an instrument of peace
o Policy and legal issues by Prof. Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, UNIGE
o The case of the Orontes River basin in Syria by Prof. Ronald Jaubert, Graduate Institute
1340 Discussion, Q & A (20 min)
The event is open to the public and no registration is necessary. Simultaneous translation in English and French will be provided.
We very much look forward to welcoming you at the Maison de la Paix on 18 May.
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